Korg Pa2XPro 76-Key Professional Arranger Keyboard Review

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Korg Pa2XPro 76-Key Professional Arranger Keyboard Feature
- 76 semi-weighted keys with Velocity and After touch System.
The interactive Korg PA2XPro arranger keyboard is the perfect musical partner for musicians, composers, performers, and entertainers. The Pa2XPro quickly transforms musical ideas into complete, polished productions. Guided by Korg's Real eXperience (RX) technology, the PA2XPro is a 76-key arranger that combines unbeatable sound, state-of-the-art effects, advanced MP3 features, comprehensive sample edit tools, fully realized musical styles and a sequencer loaded with compositional aids. Brimming with power, the Pa2XPro employs a slew of assignable controllers and a new motorized, full color TouchView interface, providing an intuitive and musical interface that will encourage your creativity--not stifle it.Easy to useWith all the technological power packed inside, it was vital that Korg also made the Pa2X Pro easy to understand--and easy to use. But even more, Korg wanted the whole way you use the Pa2X Pro to be an intuitive, musical, fast, foolproof experience. The Pa2Xpro arranger's graphical user interface has an amazing Graphical Colour Touch Screen, so you simply think, point and click for easy and intuitive use--RX Technology at work for you! The screen of the Korg Pa2X Pro is a motorized tilting display with the capability to select the right viewing angle, and one of the 7 different background colors in the Graphical User Interface. You can be sure the display can be read in all lighting and performing conditions, a truly professional feature. A manual "clutch" allows you to adjust the motorized display, even with the power off.Musicians of all levels can make great music quickly, with the 2 interface modes: EASY and EXPERT. The EASY mode shows only the most important controls while keeping a clean and easy interface, useful for beginners or for live performances. In EXPERT mode you have full editing control. Nothing stands between you and your professional performance.The 2 Switches and 8 Sliders (the 9th acts always as an MP3 Volume control, except for Digit

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